socially dirrty:

it's always dirr.ty on TWITT.ER arou.nd

Nov 22nd, 2016; 12:00 am (GMT+8) 0
Follow us and stay up to date in REAL TIME! So real that till you don't know what's real anymore. lol! See you there @dirrtyremixes!
socially dirrty:

follow us on our new TUMBLR account!

Nov 21st, 2016; 6:00 pm (GMT+8) 0
You know sometimes we are not allowed to post certain stuff on the site??? yea.. it happens... but we do at times put them on our tumblr instead... so follow us at!

add more dirrtiness with +dirrtyremixes on google plus

Aug 18th, 2014; 2:02 am (GMT+8) 1
Follow us on google+ by clicking on the follow button

like us - get notified with facebook notifications

Aug 1st, 2014; 5:00 am (GMT+8) 0
Repost! Facebook is trying to lure more and more Facebook Page owners to purchase more and more Facebook ads. We have done it numerous times and we spent more than $1,750 on ads this year alone! But it doesn't mean anything when they hide normal latest updates from you guys unless we promote each status update! So if you want to get the latest remixes and exclusives right away and all the time, follow the easy steps below! Don't be left behind!

dirrtyremixes is
rmxlvrs on facebook

Step 1:
First go to our Facebook Page

Step 2:
For existing fans of dirrtyremixes ( rmxlvrs), make sure "Get Notifications" is ticked and the "Following" option is ticked too.

For non-existing Fans, click on LIKE button and also tick on "Get Notifications"
and "Following"

Step 3:
And you're done! You will start receiving notifications on your "Notification" dropdown

put a pin it and just dance with pinterest

Feb 27th, 2014; 8:36 pm (GMT+8) 0

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