Categories: djsetlists

Interview: Exclusive DJ Big Kid Interview

Check out our EXCLUSIVE interview with DJ Big Kid. This is our second interview with him. Remember our video interview we had with him last year? Do check it out here.

For those who don’t know, DJ Big Kid hails from Singapore and has been making name for himself in the local circuit scene and also abroad. He has spun at places one would dream of! He has done gigs in Hong Kong, Bangkok, Manila, Kuala Lumpur, Shanghai – not to brag but thats pretty impressive. But if that didnt catch your attention, he also crossed over to the US circuit scene! The kid spun at San Fran’s legendary The EndUp club and at FRICTION in Los Angeles. That’s hot isn’t it.

So now BK, will be headlining his own party on May 29th which is simply called "MUSE". For more info on MUSE do check out the event page on Facebook. You can also purchase the tickets to the party here.

If 29th May is too long a wait for you to meet the big kid, you can always see him this Saturday at Hong Lim Park for Pink DOT! More info on Pink Dot here!

Lets go on with the interview, shall we?

DR: So Mr Big Kid, what have been up to ever since our last interview?
BK: Mr Big Kid sounds like my dad..haha…just kidding. In a nutshell, since our last interview, I went to NYC for 3 months, played my first U.S. Gig in San Francisco, followed by a another gig in Los Angeles, and I’ve been back in SG since last November. I have a monthly residency with PLAY club, still doing the Asian club circuit, and focusing on putting out lots of mixes and remixes, including an original dance track out of Hong Kong label, Volume Up Records, which is due out in July, I think. I’ve also been privileged to be this year’s PinkDot Ambassador, which is one of the highlights of my year. And now, I’m organising and spinning for my first club night, MUSE, which will be on 29 May. Â

So what’s MUSE? and why MUSE?

MUSE is essentially a Big Kid Party! YEAH!!! It’s a party series (every quarter) I’m creating as a platform for myself, where I can spin the kinda music that is closer to what I normally play overseas. In Singapore right now, we love our Top 40 and commercial remixes, which I love too, I’ve put out more than a few remixes of Top 40 stuff, but with MUSE, I wanna take that commercial sensibility to another level. The music’s gonna be tribal, progressive and big room, always high energy and uplifting. There will be sing-a-long moments, but it’s gonna be a much more balanced experience.

MUSE stands for MUSic and also stands for inspiration, or to inspire creativity. There’s been a lot of talk lately that Singaporeans are lagging behind in the creativity department..I wonder why???!! …so hopefully MUSE will debunk that theory! I would like MUSE to also showcase Asian DJ talent, so you gonna see some great Singapore/Asian talent at MUSE, starting with my friend, DJ JackT. We may not have reached the standards of the Tony Morans and Paulos yet, but we’re getting there, we’re getting into more and more music production work, and I also believe we are in the process of forging a sound identity for Asia. That’s why we need the support of the community to push us into the stratosphere. Support Local/Asian talent! 🙂 But having said that, I do also want to have my superstar DJ friends from the U.S. spin at MUSE parties, maybe for the special MUSE events. 😉

What is your MUSE? Nice underwear? Haha!
Haha..nice underwear, thats my lucky charm…I have yet to find my MUSE, but I’m hoping to find one on the 29th. 😉

How excited are you with your first ever PARTY?
VERY VERY!! I’m just itching to play at a “big party” again in Singapore. Some people in Singapore still think that the last big party I played at was when I opened for Tony Moran at Lah! Mardi Gras and at the Lai Liao party last March, or at least, that’s where they last heard me spin at, even though I do spin a fun gig at PLAY once a month for a younger crowd. But it is true that I’m usually spinning outside of Singapore, that’s when I’m in my element. I’ve come a long way since Lah! Mardi Gras, so I really hope that all the SG boys who don’t usually go out to the clubs on normal weekends, will come out to MUSE this Vesak Day long weekend…I am already hearing that some regional boys from HK, KL and Tokyo will be in town that weekend for the party. So, it’s not gonna be your usual club night, that’s for sure!

What are we going to expect on that night?
HOT, THUMPING, HAPPENING MUSic from Jack & myself, at the super GORGEOUS F1 Pit Building. Jack was recently back from Shanghai, where he was resident of Club Detour, and he hasn’t played in Singapore since, so he is really excited to make his return to the DJ booth and he tells me has some exciting new music for MUSE. About the F1 Pit Building, the venue hall has floor to ceiling window views of the F1 track, the Singapore River as well as the Marina Barrage. I really doesn’t get any better than this! I strongly believe in partying in style! The hall itself is gorgeous, with an entryway into the space to die for. I assure you, you will get butterflies in your stomach, as you walk down the long and dark hallway into the hall…the anticipation and the booming bass as you approach will get your heart skipping a beat or two!

Expect also HOT Go Go and Shooter boys as well as a special late night performance that will take your breath away! I’m also bringing in a ton of sound and light equipment to give you a multi-sensory experience!

How has the PinkDot ambassador experience been for you?
It’s been one wild ride! Just kidding..I mean, it’s been a very humbling experience, especially watching all those Youtube videos of real Singaporean families and their loved ones coming out to them. I thought I had it bad (poor me, right?) but really, the Jamie story in particular really got me. It just puts everything into perspective, especially after the George Rekers scandal broke. Here you have Jamie struggling all her life to be true to herself and her parents, and then you have Rekers dedicating his entire life and career to promoting a lie and destroying lives. Who do you want to be and whose life would you want for yourself?

This year, we don’t have the Aware saga or the S377A drama like we did in previous years to pull the community together in a 2,500 strong showing at Hong Lim Park. But, S377A is still in our Penal Code and Singaporeans still face discrimination more so than ever from all quarters, so the struggle for acceptance is far from over. This is a long term thing, and we must have the stamina to see it through, so I hope the whole community and our straight allies will come out in full force at Hong Lim Park on 15 May, like they did last year.

Let’s play a lil game..
We give you 2 words and say which one you prefer

Single or Attached?
Attached (This is what I PREFER right??? BUT for the record, I’m S.I.N.G.L.E. Hint!)
Hot or Cold?
Face or Body?
This is tough, but I’d have to say Face.
Right or Left?
Left. Left. Left. Lefties RULE!
Cleean or Dirrty?
Dirrty of course! 🙂 BTW, Dirrty Remixes RAWKS!!!!!

Any last words?
2 Dates To Remember for the Month of MAY:

PINKDOT 2010 – Saturday, 15 May @ 4.30pm, Hong Lim Park  (FREE. All Are Welcome!)

MUSE Party – Saturday, 29 May from 9pm till late, F1 Pit Building (Get your pre-sale tickets from FRIDAE Shop. All Are Also Welcome!)

And in the words of my friend Chuckz: “Live! Love! Dance!”

Important Links:
MUSE Facebook Event Page
Buy MUSE Tickets
DJ Big Kid Facebook Page
Pink Dot Blog


dirrty dirrty sean

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